Welcome to Within Wisdom, a blog for people looking for ideas that challenge and inspire them to explore life in an authentic, unapologetic way.
Hi, I’m Dylan, and I love to explore. I like exploring in every way: in the physical world through travel, in the intellectual world through philosophy, and in the emotional world through connection.
The purpose of this blog is to share my exploration of these areas. I write articles about the big questions of life, self-development, and connecting with other people.
Furthermore, I write about the people I meet in my travels and share their stories of transformation and insight.
This all with the focus on getting real, taking responsibility, and becoming a person of action.
My Story
I have always been a quiet, introverted guy that struggled with expressing himself. As a kid, I barely talked and found every social interaction scary. As I got older, I got more comfortable with social interactions but truly expressing myself remained difficult.
This was a problem.
Without self-expression, there is nothing; you can choose to keep all your thoughts and feelings to yourself, but they don’t mean anything unless you express them into reality. Furthermore, expression leads to interaction with your environment, which creates adventures, opportunities, and growth.
I started consciously working on expression a few years ago. At the time, I had trouble talking about myself for more than a minute straight (even now I still notice this struggle while writing this about page!), I was too insecure to do things like dancing, and I wasn’t letting my ideas manifest into reality.
And then I decided to do something about it…
I started taking dance courses, studying philosophy, travelling the world, and spending a lot of time in yoga and meditation retreats. This has deepened my understanding of myself and the world and helped me with my self-expression.
This blog is a manifestation of that. I use it to express my ideas, insights, and experiences. At the same time, I hope my articles stimulate people to contemplate life, look in the mirror, and get closer to their authentic self.
My Vision
In our present-day society, extremes are becoming increasingly popular: political extremes on both left and right are fashionable, we see the health-obsessed on one side and extreme obesity on the other, and the distance between the extremely rich and poor is increasing.
The extremities I’m particularly interested in, however, are that of rationality and spirituality. One the one side, we have the extreme scientific rationalist, propagating a mechanistic worldview wherein there is little room for meaning, ethics, or free will; on the other side, we have the spiritual extremists, who downgrade our physical reality and live up in the clouds; In the worst form this manifests in the form of spiritual consumerism: constantly chasing the high that accompanies ‘profound experiences’.
My goal is to find the middle way between these two and get closer to the essence of reality, which I believe is the shared goal of both rationality and spirituality.
I have a great interest in western science and philosophy, but am also very engaged in eastern philosophy and spirituality.
In my articles, I draw upon both traditions and try to find that balance point required to truly come close to reality.
Latest Posts
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The poetry project: Atmosphere
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Why it is Okay to Ask for Help
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